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Dr. Peter Adler

Photo von Dr. Peter Adler

Wien, Graz, Zagreb

International Business Mediator – Lebens- und Sozialberater – Unternehmensberater


1190 Wien, Billrothstr. 86/2
Tel.: +43-1-486 26 71
mobile +43-676-3 699 699

eingetragener Mediator beim österreichischen Bundesministerium für Justiz

Link zum Eintrag von Dr.Peter Adler in der MediatorInnenliste des Bundesministeriums für Justiz

Dynamische Führungskraft mit breitem Wissen in allgemeinen Managementdisziplinen, in Technik und Betriebswirtschaft nach internationalen Standards;

Qualitativ hochwertige Ausbildungen: Univ.Wien: Rechtswissenschaften , Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft; TU Wien: Wirtschaftsinformatik; Fachhochschule Hagen/Metallurgie und Silikattechnik, TGM Wien/Kolleg Elektrotechnik); Wirtschaftstreuhänderausbildung, Mediation, Lebens- und Sozialberatung

  • erfolgreiche Führung von Handels- und Industrieunternehmen:
    • 2004-dato Mediationsoffices in Wien, Graz und Zagreb
    • 1997-2004 Unternehmensberater
    • 1996-2001 Cybertron Telekom AG – börsenotiertes Telekomunternehmen, Vorstandsmitglied
    • 1980-1999 Adler Data Software GmbH. – Gründer und Geschätsführer
    • 1991-1997 Steuerberatungs- und Wirtschaftsprüfungskanzleien in Wien
    • 1978-1985 R.Venerandi & Co – Filialkette für Papierfachgeschäfte
    • 1972-1984 Emaillierwerk Josef Hölzl (Familienunternehmen)
  • Mitglied von Forschungs- und Förderbeiräten für die technische und ökonomische Bewertung (K +, A + B, INITS, AWS)

Lehrbeauftragter an der Universität Wien

Mag. Vlatka Adler

Mag. Vlatka Adler, Mediator

Mag. Vlatka Adler has been mediator since 2010. Mag. Adler was first trained for mediator in Zagreb/Croatia at the Croatian Mediation Centre (HUM). In the past 9 years, Mag. Adler has attended numerous additional mediation trainings in Croatia and Austria.

Mag. Adler has attended training in Austrian law also, but her role as mediator is neutral and impartial, excluding any legal counselling.

Mag. Adler is a Croatian attorney with 17 years of experience in law practice; in 2007 she has opened her own law office. Since the beginning of her law career, Mag. Adler has advised and represented many parties of the German speaking area, in particular from Germany and Austria. At the time, she was focused more on commercial law and company law, but after her divorce in 2014, Mag. Adler has focused almost exclusively to family law and inheritance law. Her personal experience has revealed to Mag. Adler the unknown depth of divorce issues understanding.

In 2014, together with her business partner, Mag. Adler has founded the Wassermann Group. The primary activity of the company was counselling of family companies relative to the transfer of business from older to younger generation, as well as the use of mediation as one of the means for conflict resolution in family companies. In 2015 and 2016, Wassermann Group has organised two WG Conferences and one WG Forum on the following topics:

  • WG Conference ”Mediation in family entrepreneurship – special overview of the transfer of business from older to younger generation“, April 2015
  • WG Forum, “Prevention of conflict in family companies”, November 2015.
  • WG Conference „Mediation in family entrepreneurship – transfer of business from older to younger generation“, April 2016.

Mag. Adler also comes from entrepreneurship family. She grew up with family company, and the company was the part of the family. Later on, in the process of business transfer, the firm was taken by the sister of Mag. Adler . This personal experience has also contributed to her better understanding of relations in family companies.

Today, after 17 years in law practice and 9 years in mediation, with special focus on family law and inheritance law, Mag. Adler sees family problems through special glasses. With deep understanding of how hard the man can be burdened with described issues, Mag. Adler finds mediation of great importance, as the method and process that can ease the resolution of problems.

ADLER Mediation

1190 Wien, Billrothstr. 86/2
S45 –  38 – 39A

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